Super year at the One Loft Races with 3 x top 10 in grand finals!

Super year at the One Loft Races with 3 x top 10 in grand finals!

It has been going better and better at the Eenhoksraces for us in recent years.
With our one day long distance pigeons Vardy and Olympic Amador as a foundation, we have a line that can shine in tough finals.

Pipa Collectors Edition

It started for us in January 2021 already very good with a 37th place in the grand final of the Pattaya Race in Thailand with a child of Salvador. Started here about 9000 pigeons. We also won 6th place in the Large Team competition with 4 pigeons at the first 400.

In april wonnen we met een rechtstreekse dochter van onze topper Vardy de 3e plaats in de finale van de Corabia Winter Race 530km in Spanje. Started here about 3000 pigeons.

Enkele maanden later, in augustus van dit jaar was het raak in Sofia, Bulgarije. Daar wonnen we in de grote finale de 9e plaats en 4e asduif met een kind van topkweker Jason, gekoppeld aan superduivin Starling. In Sofia werd gestart met zo’n 2000 pigeons.

Begin van deze maand, oktober, waren we aanwezig in Portugal bij de grootste race van Europa, namelijk de Algarve Golden Race. Here we were already 18th in the final with a child of Alonso, the 1st prize winning son of Olympic Amador. This year there were around the 8000 pigeons at the start. Our pigeon Alexio won 7th place in the grand final of 500km. An outstanding achievement. Alexio is also a child of Alonso.


You will understand that we are having more and more fun in this way, especially now that we are among the global top at the Eenhoksraces. Our small loft with pigeons ensures that we have to select very strict. We think this is one of the reasons for these successes.

This site had bled to death over the past few years, because unfortunately the one loft races are not raced weekly, yet we will try to keep up with it a little better from now on.

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